Math Array Example for Larger Numbers math skills multiplication Jul 28, 2022

Think about the problem 13 x 14 for a moment.  Does your brain tell you to reach for a piece of paper?  A calculator?  Do you start solving for partial products in...

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What is an array in math? math skills multiplication Jul 11, 2022

When learning multiplication, students are encouraged to use arrays to organize their objects. If you learned math by memorization and without visual models you might be asking, "What is an array...

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Using Grams, the Metric Unit for Weight eating for success math skills measurement Jul 07, 2022

Think about a gram for a moment.  Can you identify something that weighs one gram? Can you visualize the approximate size of something that would weigh a gram?  When you look at...

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Building Math Skills With Habit Trackers math skills parenting for success Jun 28, 2022

Summer vacation is here!  When my kids were in elementary school, I would always get nervous at the thought of all those endless hours and the laments of, “Mom, there is NOTHING to...

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What is a Ratio Table? division math skills multiplication Jun 21, 2022

When I was in school I never learned how to use a ratio table.  You might be asking yourself, "What is a ratio table?" I started using them as a teacher and have found them to be such a...

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Math With Peanut Butter and Jelly Bars eating for success fractions math skills measurement Jun 14, 2022

Now that school is over, my kids and I are busy going on adventures – berry picking, afternoons at the pool, and trips to the park.  We are always toting a cooler filled with snacks...

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Summer Reading About Math for Parents parenting for success Jun 07, 2022

Summer is such a great time to settle in with some reading in a hammock or in a cozy chair.  A little bit of summer reading now will help you feel empowered to help your child with math...

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What are the characteristics of a highly capable math student? math skills parenting for success May 24, 2022

What are the characteristics of a highly capable math student?  Does it mean that the student can calculate quickly or accurately?  Does it mean that that student is the first...

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Subtraction Strategies - Comparison Method math skills subtraction May 05, 2022

Often when we are talking with young children about subtraction we use the term “take away.”  While we can sometimes think of subtraction as taking away, subtraction can also...

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Building Conceptual Understanding in Math math skills May 03, 2022

Before the days of GPS systems if you needed to go somewhere in a new town you would get out a map and take a look at what route you might take. You might decide to take the freeway. You would do...

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The Value of Counting Coins math skills May 02, 2022

About ten years ago I asked a group of third graders how many of them had coins in their room at home that they could touch and play with.  Only about 1/3 of the class raised their hands....

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Little Known Effects of Sugar eating for success Apr 29, 2022




Spaghetti Sauce.

Granola Bars.

Peanut Butter.

These are all foods we eat regularly. What do all of they all have in common? Sugar. Even items that we think of as healthy,...

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